This is the home page for the Adun molecular simulation project.
Adun is a free biomolecular simulator developed at the Computational Biophysics and Biochemistry Laboratory, a part of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics of the UPF. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
The Adun molecular simulation application has been designed from the ground Up to cater for a broad range of users and needs, from computational chemists to experimental biologists. Adun provides advanced algorithms and protocols for molecular simulation which can be accessed from an intuitive user interface but also from a more flexible programmatic level. It is built on the Adun framework which is a powerful library for creating and manipulating simulations.
However it goes beyond just performing simulations by incorporating tools for analysis and management of simulation data aswell as providing mechanisms that allow the easy extension of its abilities. In many senses Adun is simply a structure that can incorporate any molecular simulation tools allowing it almost unlimited potential for growth. Many more features.